About Us

Our Mission

At JECT we are committed to enhancing your natural beauty and empowering you to feel confident in your own skin. As a team of highly skilled registered nurse injectors, we leverage our in-depth medical training to provide safe and expertly administered treatments that achieve facial balance and harmony.

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Meet the JECT Team

Sarah Frank

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Natalie Huffman

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Dr. Ryan Frank

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Our Clinic

JECT Aesthetics is located in Mission, Calgary inside  the Ryan C. Frank Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery Clinic.

Address: 333 24 Avenue SW, Ste. 300 (Dr. Frank's Office), Calgary

Frequently Asked Questions:

There are some steps you can take to prepare for your injections in order to reduce post-treatment swelling and bruising at the injection site:

  • Avoid certain medications. Your doctor will discuss with you what specific medications to avoid, but these generally include over-the-counter pain relievers such as ibuprofen and aspirin, which can thin the blood, and supplements such as St. John’s Wort, gingko biloba, and ginseng. You should stop taking these medications a week before your injections.
  • Avoid certain products. At least 2 days before your injections, you should stop using products that contain retinol or glycolic acid (“anti-aging” products). You should also stop using hair removal cream on the area to be treated, and don’t bleach, wax, or tweeze the area, either.
  • Avoid alcohol. You should stop drinking alcohol at least 24 hours before your injections.

The main benefit to a PRP procedure stems from the fact that PRP is a natural treatment, and the cells involved are from your own body. This means there is no risk of rejection. It is safe, with no long-term side effects. Another benefit is how effective it is, for both skin and hair; it stimulates new follicular hair growth, improves skin tone and texture, and reduces the appearance of scars, lines, and pores. A PRP treatment doesn’t take very long – it typically only takes 45 minutes. Patients report these treatments are relatively painless. You’ll start to see results within 1 to 2 weeks, and you’ll continue to see results build for about a month.

Dr. Frank and his staff want to help you achieve your skincare goals, and to do this they may suggest more than one skin treatment.

For instance, dermal fillers can add volume and reduce lines and wrinkles, but they don’t encourage new skin to grow. However, when you combine PRP and dermal fillers, the results from your dermal fillers will last longer and look more natural, and so you may be advised to combine these services.

Your skincare expert will advise you on how to maintain the results of your treatment, but here are some general rules to keep in mind:

  • Avoid sunlight. And when you do go outside, wear sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30. Your skin will be extra sensitive after a skin treatment, and so you will be more susceptible to sun damage.
  • Don’t smoke. If you smoke, it is more difficult for your body to heal properly after a skin treatment. Blood flow is decreased and inflammation is inhibited, which not only puts you at risk of infection or other problems, but also makes it difficult for your skin to look its best!
  • Maintain a regular skincare regimen. The first week or so after your procedure, your skin may be extra sensitive, so avoid products that may irritate your skin, such as exfoliators, scrubs, and alcohol-based toners. Use gentle products, such as a mild cleanser, a moisturizer, and, of course, sunscreen.

Our approach focuses on crafting packages that align with your unique goals, ensuring you achieve the transformation you've always envisioned. Explore our tailored packages here.

Ready to get started?

At JECT, we are dedicated to helping you achieve your aesthetic goals while ensuring your safety, satisfaction, and confidence throughout your journey with us. Experience the difference in our care, expertise, and commitment to your well-being as we guide you towards a more radiant and self-assured you.

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